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New Tier 1 member: Latécoère

We warmly welcome Latécoère as a new Tier 1 member of the ThermoPlastic composites Research Center (TPRC).

As a leader in the field of Aerostructures and Interconnection systems, Latécoère works closely with the major aircraft manufacturers and airlines, from design through to the production of its products. Alongside Latécoère’s Engineering and R&T divisions, Latécoère Czech Republic is home to the group’s Composite Center of Competence.

In the wake of its continuous research into innovative aerospace products and processes, Latécoère has developed extended expertise in various fields of composite technologies (RTM, LRI) over the past 30 years. As thermoplastic materials pave the way for high-rates, cost-efficient and sustainable production processes, Latécoère joins the TPRC to make use of its know-how and develop international R&T partnerships, from upstream to applied research and product development.

Harald Heerink, General Manager at the TPRC comments: “Latécoère joining the TPRC as a Tier 1 member demonstrates the company´s long term commitment to research into innovative aerospace products and processes. We are excited to have Latécoère on board as a new TPRC Tier 1 member and we are looking forward to our cooperation.”

Latecoure tier1

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