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Aerospace has always been a highly demanding industry driven by technological innovations. Nowadays, thermoplastic composites are paving the way for reaching even newer heights.

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Highly demanding market

The aerospace industry is a highly demanding market with complex challenges, such as great reliability and flawless performance. Today, with the development of transport vehicles for space travel and the next generation of supersonic aircraft in development, the industry continues to drive innovation to new heights. With increasing aircraft build rates, manufacturing time becomes more and more important regarding large-scale production series. The inherent reprocessability of thermoplastic composites allows for the automated and fast manufacturing processes needed to cope with these high build rates. The growing desire for fuel-efficient aircraft to reduce CO2 emissions increases the demand for strong and lightweight materials. Innovative materials like thermoplastic composites help to fulfill these specific requirements in the aerospace industry.

ThermoPlastic composites for aerospace industry

The TPRC concentrates on high-end research in the field of thermoplastic composites that comprises all the characteristics and challenges of these composites in order to meet the specific requirements of the aerospace industry.


  • Low cycle times
  • Assembly through welding technologies
  • Highly automated manufacturing
  • High toughness and damage tolerance
  • High use temperature


  • Creating predictable and robust processing
  • Complex geometries in designs
  • Production efficiency
  • Material cost reduction
  • Resisting relatively high processing temperatures

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Publication on prediction of the in-plane permeability and air evacuation time of fiber-placed TPC preforms

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Learn more about the TPRC

The TPRC is a consortium of industrial and academic members active in the thermoplastic composites industry. We believe in thermoplastic composites as the material for lightweight manufacturing in large volumes. Our primary aim is to enable a more widespread use of thermoplastic composites by eliminating technological barriers.