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There is a wide range of consumer applications for thermoplastic composites, such as sports, medical and consumer electronics. These applications benefit from the stiffness, strength and lightweight characteristics of thermoplastic composites: stronger and lighter than metal and more durable than plastics. The TPRC believes that thermoplastic composites will become the material of the future.

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Wide range of applications

Depending on the specific product, choosing the right material is a challenge for producers of consumer products. Composites can be found in a wide range of consumer sectors, such as hockey, golf, biking and mobile phones. Thermoplastic composites may well be the material of choice for multiple consumer products, especially when volumes grow. By introducing several material solutions, the TPRC strives to increase the use of thermoplastic materials in these everyday items worldwide. Thanks to their durability, the TPRC believes that thermoplastics are the material of the future.

ThermoPlastic composites for consumer applications

The TPRC concentrates on high-end research in the field of thermoplastic composites that comprise all the characteristics and challenges of thermoplastic composites to meet the requirements for consumer applications.

The characteristics

  • Highly automated manufacturing
  • High volume production
  • Demand for durable products
  • Reduced material costs and weight

The advantages

  • Stiff, strong and yet lightweight
  • Assembly through welding technologies
  • More durable than plastics
  • Enable sleek designs

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