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Tier 2 partners

We proudly present our Tier 2 partners. These partners have access to all the research generated in the field of thermoplastic composites and enjoy partial voting rights in the Consortium Board. Would you like to know more about Tier 1 membership? Look here.

We believe that successful innovation is driven by a good fundamental understanding. Our understanding of material behavior in melt and the resulting unique characterization tests that we have created, for example, are well appreciated by numerous aerospace companies, whom we help to produce defect-free thermoplastic composite parts.

Is your company willing to get involved with thermoplastic composites? Feel free to fill in our contact form, we will make sure we will get in touch with you very quickly.


What do our members say about us?


Jim Pratte, Senior Research Fellow – Solvay Composite Materials Global Business Unit

“Solvay’s research and innovation experts will work hand in hand with the TPRC on selected projects where we see joint benefits. Solvay and the TPRC are both committed to increasing the adoption of TPC by the aerospace and automotive industries and our membership will strengthen our ability to contribute to industry developments.”

Collins Aerospace

Teresa Kruckenberg, R&D Director - Collins Aerospace

“TPRC and its consortium members are leaders in the industry for thermoplastic composite materials, processing and process simulation, and design for the manufacture of thermoplastic composite structures.”


Sebastiaan Haanappel, Managing Director – Aniform Engineering

“Our collaboration with TPRC researchers leads to matured, recognized, and standardized material characterization methods for forming simulations, which are eventually of great benefit to all our clients.”


Alex Rubin, Principal Senior Technical Fellow – Boeing Research & Technology

“Thermoplastic materials and processes enable us to reduce the weight and cost of aircraft components, and to produce composite components at a very high rate of production. This allows designers to explore new applications previously dominated by metallic components. I would describe research conducted at TPRC as World Class. Boeing’s collaboration with TPRC researchers results in a new generation of materials and processes, driving new applications for Boeing products.”

Howmet Aerospace

Massimo Cella, Howmet Aerospace

“Through the TPRC activities we are increasing our application knowledge. We better understand the interactions between fasteners and thermoplastic materials. Knowledge allows product enhancements and evolution to offer better solutions to our customers.”


Rene van der Burg, Sales Director – DTC

“DTC strongly supports TPRC. Our key driver is to gain a better understanding of the fundamentals of thermoplastic composites through collaboration with TPRC and its partners' to enable further expansion of thermoplastics in the aerospace industry.”

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Join our partnership program

Being a member of the TPRC will give you access to cutting-edge research, a state-of-the-art laboratory and our expert network with 30+ years of experience in researching and developing thermoplastic composite applications.

Is your organization willing to become involved with thermoplastic composites? Fill out our contact form and we will provide you all the details about the partnership program.