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About us

As a unique research center for thermoplastic composites, we focus on enabling the use of the thermoplastic composite technology in large volume applications while also promoting the widespread adoption of these materials through fundamental knowledge development.

Meet the team

Dedicated research center for thermoplastic composites

Although specific thermoplastic composite components and substructures are already being applied commercially, there is limited understanding of complex physical mechanisms and phenomena in the use and manufacturing of thermoplastic composites. The technological challenges faced by industry can be found at various technology and manufacturing levels of readiness. In our research center, an enthusiastic and committed team of experts work together to increase knowledge of these materials, their behavior and processing technologies. Our expertise and lab are available for members and non-members. We offer training, consultancy and smaller-scale, application-oriented research projects.

> Read more about our research

TPRC highlights

In just over 10 years, we have grown into a unique and worldwide research center for thermoplastic composites. On the occasion of our tenth anniversary, we organized the Future of Thermoplastic Composites conference in October 2019. We have now grown into an international consortium. The unique thing about it is that the entire value chain is represented. Expanding the consortium will remain important for the industrial application of thermoplastic composites.

Our expertise explained in the TPRC Talks series

The TPRC Talks are a live, online talk show in which we invite you along into our consortium and the world of thermoplastic composites. In these four episodes, studio guests talked about our mission, the lab, and what our research is currently focusing on. Our valued partners also explained the importance of thermoplastic composites research and the benefits of working closely together with the partners within the consortium. And our researchers explained their research, such as stamp forming and welding. We are thankful for the many people who helped us realize and participated in the TPRC Talks.


The benefits of composites

Thermoplastic composites are advanced materials with a big future ahead in aerospace, to make products lighter, stronger, more cost-efficient and sustainable. The benefits of composites in aircraft are explained in several tutorials by Arnt Offringa, Head of Thermoplastic Composites Technology, Fokker, GKN Aerospace. Arnt is a highly valued ambassador of the TPRC.

Valuable networks

Composites NL logo About Us


CompositesNL represents the interests of all organizations in the Netherlands that are involved in the development, manufacture, maintenance, and reuse of products in which composite technology has played a part.
Membership of CompositesNL is valuable, as it brings thermoplastic composites to the attention of parties that could benefit from a more sustainable society. In addition, they represent the entire composites sector towards governments, so that the sector can be put more firmly on the map.

Smart industry logo About Us

TPC NL - Smart Industry Fieldlab

TPC NL, the Smart Industry Fieldlab for ThermoPlastic Composites, aims at making thermoplastic composites work for local and (inter-)national industry and thus enhance their economic impact.
TPC NL is a joint development of the TPAC, ThermoPlastic composites Application Center, and the TPRC, ThermoPlastic composites Research Center, both based in Enschede. This offers a sound base on thermoplastic composite knowledge and expertise and a direct link with industry, both large enterprises and SMEs, and universities.

Meet the team!

With our experienced and multidisciplinary team and the experts from partners, we have the capabilities to tackle any problem you may have with regard to thermoplastic composites. Within the TPRC, renowned experts in the field of thermoplastic composites work together to increase knowledge of these materials and their behavior, product design and processing technologies.

Who are the people behind the success of the TPRC? What drives them and what do they dream about? How do they look at the future of thermoplastic composites?

University of Twente/ TPRC

Scientific Director

Remko Akkerman


General Manager

Sebastiaan Wijskamp


Technical Director

Vanessa Marinosci


Senior Research Associate | Business Developer

Rens Pierik

University of Twente/ TPRC

Senior Research Associate

Wouter Grouve

University of Twente/ TPRC

Senior Research Associate

Laurent Warnet


Senior Research Associate

Ulrich Sachs


Senior Research Associate

Edwin Klompen


Senior Research Associate

Francesco Rondina


Senior Research Associate

Luiza Melo de Lima


Senior Research Associate

Vahid Rezazadeh


Senior Research Engineer | Lab Manager

Lars Niens


Engineering Manager

Lazlo Giesgen



Marten van der Werff


Research Engineer

Joran Geschiere


Research Engineer

Arthur Haverkort


Research Engineer

Andreas Kajim


Research Engineer

Mats Baten


Research Engineer

Luuk Bolster


Research Engineer

Eva Marije Kool


Research Engineer

Victoria Ciobãnescu


Research Engineer

Filippo Maggioli


Research Technician

Martin Hartman


Research Technician

Edwar Boer


Laboratory Support | Procurement

Selma Kalee


Financial Controller

Matthijs van der Velden


Marketing & PR Manager

Hilda Hoekstra


Marketing & PR Assistant

Britt van Slooten


PhD Researcher

Tom Asijee


PhD Researcher

Liran Katz


PhD Researcher

Sabrine Bentalib


PhD Researcher

Gerben Bieleman


PhD Researcher

Fausto Visser


PhD Researcher

Manoj Gongati


PhD Researcher

Martijn Bos


PhD Researcher

Maria Luisa Puga

University of Twente / TPRC

Guest PhD Researcher

Masoume Azizian


PhD Researcher

Paul Ceralde


PhD Researcher

Rachel Nguyen

Newsletter sign-up


We are looking for enthusiastic people to reinforce our team!

We are growing and therefore continuously looking for enthusiastic and motivated people to join our team for an internship, graduation research or as PhD or Postdoc researchers. You will work in our state-of-the-art lab and you work closely with our partners, experts in the field of thermoplastic composites.
Are you interested?