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Fokker Aerostructures

Fokker Aerostructures designs, develops and produces advanced structures and electrical systems for the aerospace and defense industry and provides repair and maintenance services for Fokker and other aircraft.

Fokker Aerostructures is a pioneer in advanced lightweight aerostructures and a specialist in the application of thermoplastic composites for a wide range of aircraft programs and products, both commercial and military. Fokker Aerostructures, founded by aviation pioneer Anthony Fokker in 1919, was acquired by GKN Aerospace in 2015.

The TPRC, as an open R&D Center of Excellence, adds great value to Fokker Aerostructures since it combines the powers of OEM’s, suppliers, knowledge centers in the Aerospace value chain, as well as the value chains of other branches, to develop and share knowledge and know-how on Thermoplastic technology. It is an excellent opportunity for Fokker Aerostructures to participate in the rapid technological development of this material, with its economic and ecologic advantages in terms of costs and weight.

Fokker Aerostructures is one of the founders of the TPRC.

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