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Our expertise and laboratory are available for members and non-members. We offer consultancy and smaller-scale, application-oriented research projects. The content of such bilateral and multilateral projects can be fully tailored to fit your needs!

Your project, our expertise

The bilateral and multilateral project work at the TPRC contributes to a proper fundamental understanding of thermoplastic composites and drives innovation. The expertise and laboratory at the TPRC facilitates many different projects related to thermoplastic composites processing technologies, such as (out-of-autoclave) consolidation, fiber placement, forming, tailored blanks, overmolding, compression molding, recycling, welding and hybrid joints. Possible research and development topics include:

  • Material characterization under processing conditions
  • Mechanical testing of thermoplastic composites
  • Development of predictive models and simulation tools
  • Process simulation and optimization
  • Development of processing guidelines
  • Tool design and demonstrator development
  • See other research topics

We can be an extension of your R&D department.

What do our partners say about us?

"We have been very impressed with the quality of composites research at TPRC. The team at TPRC has demonstrated a great mix of practical process knowledge and a robust approach to modeling techniques and model development."

F. Costa, Senior Technical Fellow

"TPRC's expertise on characterizing the mechanical properties of CFRTPs at processing temperatures is unique. It helped us a lot in further developing our drape simulation."

C. Koch, Research & Development Automotive

Consultancy contact

We would be glad to support your project(s) with our expertise. Please provide us with your contact details below and we will reach out to you soon.

Newsletter sign-up


Join and innovate with us

We are a not-for-profit organization that is open to new members who would like to take part in our joint research programs. Our partners are already shaping the future of their industry with our research center!

Are you interested in innovating with the TPRC?