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The technological challenges faced by industry can be found at various technology and manufacturing levels of readiness. Although specific thermoplastic composite components and substructures are already being applied commercially, a limited understanding of the physical mechanisms and phenomena governing the use and manufacturing phase makes product development expensive and time consuming, and thereby hinders further (large-scale) application of the technology.


The TPRC believes that a thorough understanding of materials and processes at a fundamental level is required to deliver on the promise of thermoplastic composites as the material of choice for lightweight components. Advanced thermoplastic composite technology will significantly reduce weight and manufacturing cost of future aircraft.

By bringing together all the actors in the value chain, the TPRC effectively identifies, analyzes and overcomes the technological barriers that hinder the large-scale application of thermoplastic composites. The involvement of the value chain as a whole prevents point solutions and accelerates innovation. The TPRC is renowned as a leading authority worldwide and is seen as an outstanding knowledge partner with unique knowhow in the processing of thermoplastic composites. Combined with our state-of-the-art production and research facilities, we are the natural partner to advance your composites technology.

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Membership benefits

Being a member of the TPRC will give you:

  • Access to our expert network with 30+ years of experience
  • Access to all the research generated in the field of thermoplastic composites
  • Access to our state-of-the-art laboratory
  • Full or partial voting rights (depending on the type of membership)
  • In addition to memberships, TPRC also works on bilateral and multilateral projects

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