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We are continuously looking for enthusiastic and motivated people to reinforce our team as research engineers, for an (graduation) internship, or as PhD or Postdoc researchers. You will work in our state-of-the-art lab in Enschede and you work closely with our partners, who are experts in the field of thermoplastic composites.

Are you looking for an interesting organization to do research?

Check our vacancies

Research Engineer

Would you like to work on the latest generation of composites and combine research with application development in a close relation with industry? Then the TPRC might be the right place for you.

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Internship and graduation students

There are several internship and graduation assignments available, ranging from process modeling (e.g. for fiber placement or press forming process) to mechanical characterization of thermoplastic composites.

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PhD or Postdocs

Are you a motivated PhD candidate or postdoctoral researcher with a background in Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Physics or Chemistry and looking for an exciting challenge in the field of composite materials?

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Tprcminds normal

Get to know our team

We have recently celebrated our tenth anniversary. The TPRC, which started out small with just a few researchers, has since developed considerably. The key to this success? Our people, without whose expertise and drive there would be no future.

Our series #TPRCminds introduces you to the people behind our success. Who are they? What is their background? What drives them and what do they dream about? How do they look at the future of thermoplastic composites?

"We are truly frontrunners in our field of study and that motivates me tremendously. "

Jeroen Houwers, Engineering Manager

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