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Internship and graduation students

TPRC offers interesting opportunities for motivated bachelor or master students of Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, or similar studies, who are looking for an exciting internship or graduation assignment in the field of composite materials.

What we offer

Several internship and graduation assignments are available at the TPRC, ranging from process modeling (e.g. for fiber placement or press-forming process) to mechanical characterization of thermoplastic composites. Typically, the projects are carried out within a time frame of three to nine months. When starting an internship or graduation assignment at the TPRC, you will be ensured to:

  • work in a well-equipped state-of-the-art composites laboratory;
  • conduct research on high-tech thermoplastic composite materials and the newest processing and characterization technologies;
  • work together with a highly motivated young team of experts.

Working at the TPRC

Are you wondering what it is like to conduct research at the TPRC? Read the #TPRCminds stories about our passionate colleagues, in which they describe what it's like to work at the TPRC.

Available assignment topics

Before starting an internship or graduation assignment at TPRC, we will define the research assignment together. Potential research areas include:

  • Stamp forming
  • Automated fiber placement (AFP)
  • Injection overmolding
  • Welding
  • Multi-material joining
  • Repair of thermoplastic composites
  • Recycling of thermoplastic composites
  • Thermal properties characterization
  • Process modeling

As an intern at TPRC, you will have a desk at our office and receive a monthly trainee remuneration of €250,-.

To get to know more about the current possible assignment topics, please send your motivation letter and CV with the application form below.

HH 9694

Application form

Are you interested in carrying out your internship or graduation project at the TPRC? Apply and send us your CV and motivation with the form below.

Please note that both a motivation letter and CV are required!

Newsletter sign-up



If you think that you can make a valuable contribution to the research of thermoplastic composites and would like to be part of an enthusiastic multidisciplinary team of researchers and experts from the industry, apply and send us your CV and motivation!