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TPRC Minds - Overview

The TPRC, which started small with just a few researchers, has since developed considerably. The key to this success? TPRC’s people, without whose expertise and drive there would be no future.

We are continuously looking for enthusiastic and motivated people to reinforce our team. Are you interested? Check our vacancies

#TPRCminds | Sabrine

PhD Researcher
She moved from Italy to Twente for her master’s thesis where she grew passion for seeing what the naked eye can’t see. It was this tendency to dive deeper into the micro-scale of polymers that led Sabrine to pursue a PhD at TPRC. Now she is working on significant research for the aerospace and automotive industry.

#TPRCminds | Marten & Liran

Marten & Liran
Researchers Liran Katz and Marten van der Werff are the odd ones out in the engineering team at the TPRC. With their backgrounds in chemistry, they complement the skills of their colleagues, who mostly have been trained as mechanical engineers.

#TPRCminds | Edwar & Martin

Research Technicians
Edwar & Martin
Research technicians Edwar Boer and Martin Hartman both have key roles at TPRC’s lab facility. Their work is essential to the research being conducted at the TPRC. Read their story in a this episode of #TPRCminds.

#TPRCminds | Dennis & Rens

PhD Researchers
Dennis & Rens
Dennis Brands and Rens Pierik are cut from the same cloth. These new ‘acquisitions’, who recently joined the TPRC as new PhD students, are both working on the same project. They were complete strangers. An exciting step, both for them and for TPRC.

Learn more about the TPRC

The TPRC is a consortium of industrial and academic members active in the thermoplastic composites industry. We believe in thermoplastic composites as the material for lightweight manufacturing in large volumes. Our primary aim is to enable a more widespread use of thermoplastic composites by eliminating technological barriers.

#TPRCminds | Vanessa

PhD Researcher & Business Developer
Vanessa travelled from Italy to Twente to research thermoplastic composites at the TPRC. This area of expertise appeals to Vanessa because her work can directly be applied to industry as well as it having an impact on society and the climate. Twente and the TPRC offered not only a challenge but also a home.

#TPRCminds | Yannick

PhD Researcher
As a child, Yannick Buser would get totally absorbed in constructing model buildings, making things from cardboard, paint and glue, and in being generally creative. These days, he’s swapped his old building blocks for the material of the future – thermoplastic composites.

#TPRCminds | Wouter

Assistant Professor
In episode 2 you can read about Assistant Professor Wouter Grouve, TPRC-mind since 2012 and now also a lecturer at the University of Twente. He admits that he’s been positively surprised by the developments in his own field in recent years.

#TPRCminds | Jeroen

Research Engineer
In this first episode of TPRCminds, research engineer Jeroen Houwers explains how his innovations might someday be visible in daily life. As a TPRC-mind since 2014, Jeroen explains how the unique TPRC culture still provides him the freedom to keep learning and experimenting.

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