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TPRC 10 year Conference

The Future of Thermoplastic Composites Conference was a great success! We were happy to welcome over 300 participants to an inspiring and interactive conference.

A decade of thermoplastic innovations

To celebrate its tenth anniversary, the ThermoPlastic composites Research Center (TPRC) organized the Future of Thermoplastic Composites conference on October 8, 2019. More than 300 participants discussed the future of thermoplastic composites with experts from the supply chain, ranging from universities to OEMs.

At the conference the TPRC reflected on the most important milestones of this consortium, which started life as just a couple of researchers at the University of Twente. Over the last decade the TPRC has been a key player in the broader use of these ultra-light and strong materials in the auto and aviation industries.

Read the article with the highlights of the Future of Thermoplastic Composites conference on CompositesWorld.

Involving the entire supply-chain

Harald Heerink, general manager of TPRC: “We’ve now grown into an international consortium of 22 members who we help with research, training, testing and production. The unique thing about it is that the entire value chain is represented. Knowledge institutes, materials suppliers, machines and parts, the aviation and car industries – they’re all involved.” Heerink expects TPRC to keep growing. “Expanding the consortium will remain important for the industrial application of thermoplastic composites.”

We would like to thank all the speakers, our partners and the participants for enabling such an inspiring day! We are looking forward to continuing our collaboration to enable a more widespread use of thermoplastic composites.

Photos: ©Gijs van Ouwerkerk

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We are a not-for-profit organization that is open to new members who would like to take part in our joint research programs. Our partners are already shaping the future of their industry with our research center!

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