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Web Industries

Web’s experience supporting multiple major aircraft development programs has allowed it to build a unique knowledge base focused on bridging the gap between composite material producers, manufacturing machine companies, and end-product fabricators.

For over 25 years, Web Industries has been the leader in formatting prepreg composites. A key partner in defining industry standards for the precision slitting, spooling, and winding of aerospace-grade composite slit tape, the company is a qualified slit tape provider for nearly all major automated fiber placement lines. Web’s experience supporting multiple major aircraft development programs has allowed it to build a unique knowledge base focused on bridging the gap between composite material producers, manufacturing machine companies, and end-product fabricators.

Innovative companies looking to maximize production rates rely on Web Industries to provide commercial-scale, best-in-class formatting and material management services, including:

  • Web’s exclusive PrecisionSlit prepreg tapes for AFP & ATL
  • Thermoplastic formatting for compression molding and tape placement
  • Automated ply cutting & ply kitting solutions
  • Commercial-scale volumes with full quality assurances
  • Complete lot traceability and custom reporting
  • AS/EN9100C certification and rigorous FOD control

The most trusted composites formatter for the world’s most stringent aerospace programs, Web Industries is excited to offer its extensive material converting and handling knowledge to the TPRC and its members.

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