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Coriolis Composites

Coriolis Composites provides robotic cells and software for fiber placement.

Coriolis Composites develops, produces and commercializes robotic cells and value-added software for automated composite additive manufacturing. The innovating spirit and strong expertise of its team allows Coriolis Composites to offer off-the-shelf and tailored solutions to the industry.

What do we think of our cooperation?

"Through their work the TPRC advances the knowledge and understanding of thermoplastic composites for the whole of the composites industry. With more than 10 years of experience in thermoplastic composites, Coriolis Composites is working hand-in-hand with the TPRC since the beginning and is grateful for the common efforts and successes in developing the process capabilities for thermoplastic composites."

Frank Lancelot, Chief Commercial Officer - Coriolis Composites

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