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Introduction to Thermoplastic Composites course

On the 9th and 10th of April a two-day introductory course on thermoplastic composites will be organized at TPRC. Typical features of thermoplastic composites will be explained both with theory and hands-on practical lab sessions. During the training several processing techniques are elaborated on. Participants will learn more about press forming, laser-assisted fiber placement, welding technologies, mechanical testing, and NDT. You will get answers to the following questions:

  • What are thermoplastic composites?
  • Why thermoplastic composites?
  • How to process thermoplastic composites?
  • How to apply thermoplastic composites?

The Introduction to Thermoplastic Composites course is well-suited for entry-level participants who are considering future applications of thermoplastic composites. A background in composites is not needed, however, basic knowledge in materials and/or production engineering is advantageous. The course includes course materials, lunches, drinks, and dinner.

Intro course tprc

Event info:

Start: 9th of April 2025 | 9:00 AM
End: 10th of April 2025 | 5:00 PM

Are you interested in joining the course or would you like to receive more information? Feel free to contact us.

Our experts have trained over 200 people in the past years. Not only the Introduction course, but also the Joining course and Advanced Forming course have been very popular amongst our trainees.

Register for a training or contact us with your question

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