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Joining of Thermoplastic Composites course

On November 13th and 14th, we will organize a two-day course on the joining of thermoplastic composites at the TPRC. This course offers knowledge of the different joining techniques available for thermoplastic composites, with a focus on welding methods. The course consists of theoretical and practical sessions, which elaborate on the following topics:

  • Mechanisms underlying fusion bonding;
  • Potential and challenges of the different welding techniques;
  • The adhesion of thermoplastic composites to dissimilar materials;
  • Correlation between process parameters and joint quality.

The Joining of Thermoplastic Composites course aims at advanced-level participants and is well-suited for engineers who are considering the future application of thermoplastic composites and want to know more about the relevant joining methods. Prior knowledge of thermoplastic composites and their processing methods is advantageous. The course will take place in the lecture room and lab facility of TPRC and includes materials, lunches, drinks, and dinner.

2023 01 11 joining course image

Event info

Date: November 13th and 14th 2024
Start time: 09:00h
End time: 17:00h

Interested in joining this course or would you like to receive more information? Feel free to contact us by submitting the contact form below.

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