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New project on overmolding

The ThermoPlastic composites Research Center (TPRC) is currently finalizing its second project on overmolding, in which structural analysis capabilities are developed for overmolded parts.

The process is simulated by combining commercial software for forming (AniForm) and injection molding (Autodesk Moldflow) with structural analysis software (Abaqus). A new geometry has been realized to characterize the interface under different loading conditions, which provides the input data to predict part performance in terms of stiffness and strength in the simulation. Moreover, a new technology demonstrator has been developed and will be revealed soon!

Our follow-up project on overmolding will start in October of this year and will continue the work on structural analysis by developing an optimal process window for overmolding for both aerospace and automotive materials. In this multilateral project, external partners may join the project in addition to the TPRC members who are involved.

Interested in joining the next phase on overmolding? Please feel free to contact us!

COMPETE demonstrator s shape

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