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COMPeTE partner meeting

On October 31, we welcomed our partners to the concluding meeting on the Composites OverMolding Technology II (COMPeTE II) project. During this meeting our international project partners came together to discuss the results and outcome of the two-year project.

The main focus of the project was the development of structural analysis capabilities for overmolded structures in terms of stiffness and strength using experimental characterization methods on a dedicated research geometry. Additionally a demonstration was given on the production of the technology demonstrator to display the capabilities of the overmolding cell available at the ThermoPlastic composites Research Center (TPRC). The follow-up project was discussed which will focus on the process window optimization of the overmolding process. Various quality aspects of the process and their interrelation will be studied. The project team will start on the COMPeTE III project in November.

The COMPeTE II project was supported by the TPRC members and consists of Autodesk Moldflow, KraussMaffei, Magneti Marelli, National Composites Centre (NCC) and Safran Composites.

Interested in joining the next phase on overmolding? Please feel free to contact us!

TPRC COM Pe TE partner meeting 31 Oct 1
TPRC COM Pe TE partner meeting 31 Oct 2

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Interested in multilateral and bilateral research?

The expertise and laboratory of the TPRC are available for members and non-members to whom TPRC offers consultancy and smaller-scale, application-oriented research projects. The content of such bilateral and multilateral projects can be fully tailored to fit your needs!

Is your company interested in learning more about thermoplastic composites? Please feel free to contact us.