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Advanced Forming of Thermoplastic Composites course

On April 7th and 8th, the ThermoPlastic composites Research Center (TPRC) will organize a two-day Advanced Forming of Thermoplastic Composites course.

Are you interested in learning more about the press-forming process for thermoplastic composites? We offer an advanced course, which is well-suited for engineers who are considering future application of thermoplastic composites and forming processes. The course will take place on April 7 and 8 and is open for both TPRC members and non-members. Learn more about our courses.

Please contact us to sign up for our courses

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Interested in consultancy?

Our expertise and laboratory are also available to non-members, to whom we provide consultancy and smaller-scale, application-oriented research projects. With our know-how and our equipment we are able to examine current issues and help our project partners to improve their business. Our enthusiastic engineers are eager to innovate with you.