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Structural analysis capabilities for overmolded structures

The ThermoPlastic composites Research Center (TPRC) has developed structural analysis capabilities for overmolded structures that take into account the strength of the interface between the injection-molded and continuous fiber-reinforced material domains.

A demonstrator geometry, shown in Figure 1, was developed in the Composites OverMolding Production TEchnology (COMPeTE II) project. The geometry allows for mechanical testing and is used to validate the structural analysis capabilities as shown in Figure 2. The simulation results show good correlation with the deformation mode observed and the strength measured during mechanical testing of the demonstrator geometry.

The COMPeTE II project is supported by the TPRC members and consists of Autodesk, KraussMaffei, Magneti Marelli, National Composites Centre (NCC) and Safran.

Read more about advanced forming and overmolding technology

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TPRC demonstrator compete ii figure 1
TPRC demonstrator compete ii figure 2

Figure 1. Demonstrator geometry with woven insert developed during COMPeTE II

Figure 2. Structural analysis of the demonstrator geometry

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