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Kick-off meeting of the ENLIGHTEN program

The kick-off meeting of the large ENLIGHTEN program (Enabling Integrated Lightweight Structures in High-Volumes), coordinated by prof. Remko Akkerman, took place earlier this month. Funded by NWO (Dutch Research Council) and a large consortium of industry partners, the 6 M€ program aims to develop digitized design and manufacturing systems for the integration of large and complex thermoplastic composite structures. TPC’s offer all characteristics for sustainability: they are lightweight and strong, energy-efficient to manufacture, and recyclable.

Fifteen researchers, across the Netherlands and in the UK, will in the coming six years work on simulation tools and inline monitoring technologies to enable first-time-right manufacturing of welded and overmolded thermoplastic composite components and structures.

The ENLIGHTEN program shows the importance of research into thermoplastic composites for a more sustainable world.

ENLIGHTEN kick off meeting

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