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New dates for upcoming trainings in 2019

The dates for 2019 for the new courses on thermoplastic composites at the advanced or introductory level are available.

The ThermoPlastic composites Research Center (TPRC) is well positioned to provide the needed training and education due to its state-of-the-art lab facilities and the support from its academic partners. As an example, we provide an introductory course Introduction to Thermoplastic Composites. The typical features, the processing and properties of thermoplastic composites will be explained. The two-day course, including theoretical and practical work, is hosted twice per year for both members and non-members. The hands-on practical work involving consolidation techniques, press forming, laser-assisted tape placement, welding and testing under guidance of TPRC experts forms the highlights of the course.

Next to this generic introduction course, we provide an advanced course Advanced forming of Thermoplastic Composites. This course offers knowledge on the press-forming process of thermoplastic composites. During the 2-day course the ins and outs of the press-forming technology are presented. More advanced courses on specific topics are available upon request. Check out the new dates for 2019.

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