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New Dutch lab facilities for thermoplastic composites

On Friday 14 September, the new lab facilities of the recently founded ThermoPlastic composites Application Center (TPAC) were opened by Anka Mulder, the president of Saxion, University of Applied Sciences. The lab features new processing equipment enabling its focus on cost-effective processing and application of thermoplastic composites.

At the same time the inauguration of Ferrie van Hattum as professor for Lightweight Structures and the 5th anniversary of the research group took place.The TPAC performs research on low-cost processing and application of lightweight materials, with particular focus on thermoplastic composites materials. Further beneficial properties like impact resistance and fast processing make it the material of choice for high-end applications like aerospace, sport cars and sporting goods. The goal of the TPAC is to reduce processing costs to broaden the use of thermoplastic composites and make the material affordable for more sectors, business and people. Or like Ferrie van Hattum puts it: ”Composites for the people”.

Together with TPRC, the TPAC forms TPC NL and was awarded the Smart Industry Fieldlab by the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands and is listed as digital innovation hub by the European Commission. Read more.


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