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Announcing: New overmolding project

Overmolding technology offers potential solutions for complex continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic parts by combining two processes. Firstly, a continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic composite blank is shaped in a stamp forming step. Secondly, additional features, such as ribs or inserts, are over-injection molded onto the stamp-formed part. This way, overmolding combines the high specific strength and stiffness of the continuous fibers with the design freedom and flexibility of a short fiber reinforced injection molding grade. Moreover, the process can be easily automated and is well suited for high volume production.

TPRC is rapidly building up expertise in the field of overmolding. After the successful three editions of the COMPeTE project, TPRC is proud to host a new overmolding project, focused on advancing the design for overmolded parts (OVERDRIVE). The OVERDRIVE project will focus on establishing design rules for overmolded parts. For instance, the ideal base design and width of stiffener ribs, prevention of sink marks, dealing with metallic inserts, and more. Furthermore, the project will investigate feature development for overmolding, such as removable cores, edge overmolding, joining by overmolding and interlocking/snap fit connections. Finally, a research geometry will be developed, in which the design rules and features are showcased and tested.

The OVERDRIVE project is planned to kick off at the beginning of 2022. We are currently defining the work packages and are open for new partners and their suggestions. Interested in advanced overmolding for high-performance thermoplastic polymers? Join the project!


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The TPRC performs high-end research in the field of thermoplastic composites. All the publications are gathered in one overview. Interested? Take a look!