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New publication on stress analysis of bias extension specimens

Check our latest publication by professor Remko Akkerman, University of Twente and scientific director at the TPRC, on the Stress analysis of bias extensions specimens of thermoplastic composites.

High precision Composites Forming analyses rely on accurate data and thorough understanding of the material characterization experiments used to obtain these data. Our recent publication sheds new light on Bias Extension testing as used for inplane shear characterization, enhancing our confidence in these measurements for thermoplastic composites.

This publication is in line with earlier work on bias extension characterization of unidirectional thermoplastic composites in melt conducted under the PERFECT project. This research project “PrEss foRming without deFECTs” (PERFECT) aims to improve the prediction of defects from press forming simulations through enhanced material characterization and modelling.

Artboard 57

Bias extension specimen experiment (left) and Free Body Diagrams of the separated regions and lines of discontinuity, illustrating the forces and fibre tensions (right).

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