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PhD title for Erik Krämer

We welcome a brand new Doctor of Philosophy in our midst! On November 4th, Erik Krämer successfully defended his dissertation entitled: "The formation of fiber waviness during thermoplastic composite laminate consolidation". Erik has performed his research at the TPRC in close cooperation with the Production Technology research group of Prof. Dr. Ir. Remko Akkerman from the University of Twente. We believe that Erik's work provides a fundamental basis for the development of manufacturing routes that yield defect-free thermoplastic composites parts. Read more about Erik's research in his PhD Thesis

Erik is living proof that top-level scientific research can go hand in hand with commercial insight and business acumen. At the TPRC, he forges essential links between the hard science and the wider world of application. As both researcher and business developer, he builds bridges every day. Read the full story

Feel free to contact us for more information on this or other subjects in thermoplastic composite technology.

Erik Krämer defense 1

Photos ©Elroy van Slooten

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