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PhD title for Tjitse Slange

On March 8, 2019, researcher Tjitse Slange successfully defended his PhD thesis in the field of Rapid Consolidation of Tailored Thermoplastic Composites by Automated Lay-up and Stamp Forming.

The high lay-up freedom of AFP allows for part cost and performance/weight optimization compared to conventional uniform thickness blanks by enabling more optimized lay-ups and near net shape blank contours. High lay-up rates are possible, as in-situ consolidation during AFP is not required. The final shape and consolidation quality of the part are achieved during a short stamp forming cycle.

The research has been performed at the ThermoPlastic composites Research Center in close cooperation with the Production Technology research group of Prof. Dr. Ir. Remko Akkerman. Apart from significant contributions to the scientific community, the cooperation has resulted in industry guidelines for the rapid manufacturing route for lightweight tailored composite components.

Are you interested in the technology or if you would like to receive a copy of the dissertation, please contact us.

The research was conducted by the TPRC in collaboration with the University of Twente. The financial support of the NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research), M2i (Materials innovation institute), the TPRC members and the Provincie Overijssel is gratefully acknowledged as well. Feel free to contact us for more information on this or other subjects in thermoplastic composite technology.

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