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Publication on the induction heating of unidirectional C/PAEK

A convenient joining method for carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites is induction welding. Zooming in on the induction welding assembly process, parts are heated through the electromagnetic induction of eddy currents that are formed in the electrically conductive network of carbon fibers. PhD researcher Yannick Buser committedly examined the formation of eddy currents and aimed to visualize this important process in his recent article 'Induction heating of unidirectional C/PAEK - A thermographic study on eddy current formation'.

In the research the visualization of the eddy current behavior was done by induction heating various laminates with a stationary coil, while keeping track of the heating patterns with a thermal camera. Similar behavior was then reproduced on ply-scale specimens using a strong direct current.

This publication was realized in collaboration with Erik Kramer, Remko Akkerman, and Wouter Grouve. It has recently been published in the Composites part B Engineering journal.

Read more about the article and its results and conclusions:

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Post 2024 09 04 publication Yannick

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