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New publication on the tool-ply interaction during fiber waviness formation in C/PEEK laminate consolidation

The influence of tool material, release media and laminate size on the formation of in-plane fiber waviness during C/PEEK consolidation is presented in this paper.

Check out our latest publication by Erik Krämer on the tool-ply interaction in the formation of fiber waviness during C/PEEK laminate consolidation. Together with the University of Twente, we are working hard on the development of predictive process models to allow defect-free manufacturing of thermoplastic composite parts and structures.

Defects such as fiber waviness can occur during the consolidation of thermoplastic composite laminates. This research explored experimentally the influence of tool material, release media and laminate size on the formation of in-plane fiber waviness during C/PEEK consolidation. The formed waviness was quantified and correlated to the measured tool-ply friction coefficients and thermal coefficients of expansion of the tool plates. This research provides additional evidence that tool shrinkage is indeed the driving force for waviness formation in C/PEEK laminate consolidation. Furthermore, the formation of waviness depends on the balance between the coefficient of thermal expansion of the tool, the tool-ply coefficient of friction and the laminate size.

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