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Publication of dataset with press forming results for unidirectional thermoplastic composite laminates

PhD researcher Dennis Brands recently published a dataset with press forming results for unidirectional thermoplastic composite laminates. The dataset was designed for the validation of composite forming simulations, featuring high-resolution in-plane deformation measurements and clear wrinkling observations. An accompanying dataset description article was published in the journal “Data in Brief”, which provides all the relevant details of the experimental and analysis methodologies used. The dataset encourages discussion on the material behavior during press forming and offers the potential to benchmark numerical simulations.

This dataset and description was published with open-access as part of TPRC's project PERFECT (Press forming without defects). It has been realized in close collaboration with Václav Vomáčko from the Technical University of Liberec and together with Sebastiaan Wijskamp, Wouter Grouve and the Production Technology research group of Remko Akkerman at the University of Twente. We also greatly appreciate the NWO (Nederlandse organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek) for providing the funding of the project.

You can find the dataset here.

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