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Recycling solution for thermoplastic composites

We are very happy to be able to publicly share some of the important results of a TPRC core research program on recycling of thermoplastic composite laminates.

Read this Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials article on a novel recycling solution for thermoplastic composites of Guillaume Vincent PhD: Process- and material-induced heterogeneities in recycled thermoplastic composites.

The research has been performed at our research center in cooperation with the Production Technology research group of Professor Remko Akkerman (University of Twente). This research is part of a collaborative project led by TPRC and TPAC/Saxion University of Applied Sciences, with the involvement of GKN Fokker, Toray Advanced Composites, Dutch Thermoplastic Components, Cato Composite Innovations and Nido Recyclingtechniek. The financial support of the Dutch Organisation of Applied Research - SIA (grant SIA-RAAK 2014-01-72PRO) is gratefully acknowledged.

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