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Results of a TPRC core research program on tailored blanks

We are very happy to be able to publicly share some of the important results of a ThermoPlastic composites Research Center (TPRC) core research program on stamp forming of tailored blanks.

We have investigated blank deconsolidation and present solutions to prevent this undesired behavior. The research was conducted by TPRC in collaboration with the University of Twente. The financial support of the Dutch FOM and of the TPRC members is gratefully acknowledged as well. If you are interested in reading this publication on tailored blanks, you can find the article here.

Please feel free to contact us for more information on this or other topics in thermoplastic composite technology.

TPRC-Tailored-Blanks demonstator

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  • interactive workshops on your selected topics to bring together industry and academia
  • workshops with generic nature or tailored to specific materials, processes or properties
  • our workshop on overmolding, for example, was specifically successful as it resulted in a roadmap research project with participation of external parties from both the automotive and aerospace industry.

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