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Broadcast of the TPRC Talks: Joining with Thermoplastic Composites: Facing the Interface

Watch the fourth episode of the TPRC Talks which took place live in our lab on June 28th.

We are proud to share the broadcast of the TPRC Talks | Joining with Thermoplastic Composites: Facing the Interface. Our host Anic van Damme interviewed our colleagues, partners and students on this topic.

We would like to thank our studio guests: Sebastiaan Wijskamp (TPRC), Jeroen Houwers (TPRC), PhD student Vanessa Marinosci (TPRC); our partners: Franco Costa (Autodesk), Matthijn de Rooij (University of Twente) and John Grasmeder (Victrex) for joining us and sharing their expertise on multi-material joining.

We would like to thank everyone who joined us live during the fourth episode. The many questions and feedback we received strongly indicate the importance of our reserach on joining with thermoplastic composites.

Thanks to Rogier Tuinte, Gijs van Ouwerkerk, Jochem Vreeman and of course Anic van Damme for hosting another exciting episode of the TPRC Talks.


Did you miss these TPRC Talks? Replay the broadcast here

Curious about the previous episodes? TPRC Talks overview

TPR Ctalks 4

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