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TPRC's Yannick winner of SAMPE Europe Student Leadership Award 2019

Last spring, Yannick Buser received the SAMPE Benelux Student Award 2019 for his research on “Squeeze Flow of Unidirectional Thermoplastic Composite Flakes” that he performed at the ThermoPlastic composites Research Center (TPRC). By winning, he received a ticket to participate in the SAMPE Europe Students Seminar this week. Of the 14 Master's and PhD students, Yannick has been chosen as the 'best master student' for his research on the in-process flow behavior of LFTs, performed at the TPRC.

As the Student Leadership Award winner, Yannick presented "The Role of Mesoscopic Phenomena on the Rheology of Unidirectional Thermoplastic Composite Flakes" to the audience of SAMPE Europe 2019 and he is selected to participate to the SAMPE University Leadership Experience during the SAMPE North America Conference and Exhibition in Seattle on May 4th 2020.

We are proud at Yannick for his outstanding work and we are very happy to have him in our team.

Are you interested in the outcomes of this research project? Please feel free to contact us for more information or read more about our research.


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