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Collins Aerospace

Collins Aerospace, a company of United Technologies, is one of the world’s largest suppliers of aerospace and defense products.

Collins Aerospace designs, manufactures and services integrated systems and components for the aerospace and defense industries. With nearly 300 sites globally Collins Aerospace has a large global presence, which enables them to meet the demands of a rapidly evolving global market.

Collins Aerospace and Dutch Thermoplastic Components B.V. joined together to make flying better than ever before. As a result of this combination, we're shaping the future in advanced thermoplastic composites. With the addition of Dutch Thermoplastic Components B.V., Collins will accelerate the execution of its technology roadmap to drive the further expansion of advanced thermoplastic composites for complex aerostructures to make aircraft lighter, safer, stronger, more cost-efficient end environmentally friendly. From commercial and military aircraft to urban air mobility and beyond.

What do we think of our cooperation?

“TPRC and its consortium members are leaders in the industry for thermoplastic composite materials, processing and process simulation, and design for the manufacture of thermoplastic composite structures.”

Teresa Kruckenberg, R&D Director - Collins Aerospace

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