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Saxion University of Applied Sciences

Saxion University of Applied Sciences is one of the largest institutions of higher education in the Netherlands, with over 26,000 students (and still growing!). Saxion University has a rich history – its roots can be traced back to the 1875.

A merger of two educational institutions, the Hogeschool Enschede and Hogeschool IJselland, in 1998 paved the way for Saxion University of Applied Sciences in its present form. This merger enabled Saxion to build further on its strong position in Dutch higher education and since then Saxion University has come to be recognised as an important center of expertise at regional, national and international level.

Together with the TPRC, Saxion initiated the ThermoPlastics composites Application Center - TPAC, specifically aiming at regional and national SMEs. The TPRC and TPAC bundle forces in their Smart Industry Fieldlab Thermoplastic Composites NL - TPC NL, an national initiative from the Dutch Ministry of Economics Affairs.

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