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New publication on the modeling of ply-ply friction for composites forming simulations

Check out TPRC’s newest research publication, performed by PhD researcher Rens Pierik “A state-rate model for the transient wall slip effects in ply-ply friction of UD C/PAEK tapes in melt”. The paper addresses the development of a transient model to describe the ply-ply friction response as it occurs during hot press forming of continuous fiber-reinforced thermoplastics. The model is an extension of the model that is explained in one of Rens’ earlier publications: “Prediction of the peak and steady-state ply-ply friction response for UD C/PAEK tapes".

During composites forming, friction between adjacent plies can lead to defects, which negatively affects the performance of the final component. Advanced forming simulations can be used to predict the occurrence of defects and with that facilitate the design stage in new product development. This requires accurate deformation predictions, which in turn requires accurate constitutive modeling of the ply-ply friction.

In this paper, the earlier described model is extended to describe the start-up friction response as measured in characterization experiments for UD C/PAEK tapes in melt. In the end, implementation of this more advanced friction model will improve the predictions on defect generation during hot press forming, enabling first-time-right defect-free manufacturing.

Rens has performed this research closely with the Production Technology research group of Prof. Dr. Ir. Remko Akkerman from the University of Twente. The study was performed as part of the PERFECT (acronym for 'press forming without defects') project, aiming to increase knowledge on defect formation during the hot press forming process of thermoplastic composites, funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).

The article is open to download and read.

Rens Pierik 2024 A state rate model for the transient wall slip effects of ply ply friction 2
Rens Pierik 2024 A state rate model for the transient wall slip effects of ply ply friction

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