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Kick-off of project Luchtvaart in Transitie

Approval has been granted for the subproject on lightweight composites and structures of Luchtvaart in Transitie. As partner in the project, TPRC will apply its expertise on thermoplastic composites to achieve the project goals. The kick-off meeting with all parties involved took place last December.

Luchtvaart in Transitie (translation: 'Aviation in Transition') is a Dutch project aimed at accelerating sustainability towards climate-neutral aviation by 2050. More than 60 parties are participating in 12 innovative subprojects. The subproject 'Materialen, productietechnologie en constructies voor ultra-efficiënte vliegtuigen' (translation: 'Materials, production technology and constructions for ultra-efficient airplanes'), abbreviated as 'STC', has recently been granted. Project STC will focus on the development of innovative manufacturing technologies for complex thermoplastic composite parts and integrated structures. To achieve sustainable aviation, lightweight materials, structures and production technologies are indispensable. TPRC is looking forward to contributing to these important project goals with a dedicated team of experts and essential lab facilities in the coming years.

The project is in collaboration with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and is co-funded by the National Growth Fund.

LiT 2024
Luchtvaart in transitie 1

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We are growing and therefore continuously looking for enthusiastic and motivated people to join our team for an internship, graduation research or as PhD or Postdoc researchers. You will work in our state-of-the-art lab and you work closely with our partners, experts in the field of thermoplastic composites.
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