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Solar Team Twente in the lead in Solar Challenge Morocco

The RED Horizon from Solar Team Twente is currently in the first place! Today they start the fourth leg of the Solar Challenge Morocco.

The Solar Challenge Morocco is a race of more than 2500 kilometers, divided into five stages, in which the cars use only solar energy.

The solar car from Solar Team Twente is aerodynamically shaped, full of innovative systems and composites materials. And we are proud that our colleague Jeroen Houwers, as an experienced Solar Team member and research engineer in the field of thermoplastic composite materials, is also in Morocco to support the team with his expertise. The RED Horizon has all it takes to become a champion!

We wish the team a lot of success!

Photo: Bram Berkien

Bram berkien stt solar team twente Morocco 2021

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We have recently celebrated our tenth anniversary. The TPRC, which started out small with just a few researchers, has since developed considerably. The key to this success? TPRC’s people, without whose expertise and drive there would be no future.

Our series #TPRCminds introduces you to the people behind our success. Who are they? What is their background? What drives them and what do they dream about? How do they look at the future of thermoplastic composites?