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#TPRCminds: Emiel van de Wetering

“After I completed my thesis at the TPRC I found that the world of thermoplastic composites would not let me go.”

In episode 8 of our series #TPRCminds you can read about Emiel van de Wetering, research engineer at the TPRC.

Emiel took an unusual route to get where he is today. He started out as a practically-minded car mechanic. Today he combines this practical approach with his research at the TPRC. Emiel shares his passion. “I have always been crazy about cars. Composites are already being used in high-end automotive sectors like Formula One, but they can also be found in the BMW i3 and i8, which have a carbon chassis. I hope to see thermoplastic composites used on a larger scale in regular passenger cars in the future, and I would like to contribute to making this happen.” He also shares his thoughts on the development of applications of thermoplastic composites and tells what it is like to be a research engineer at the TPRC.


Our series #TPRCminds introduces you to the people behind our success. Who are they? What is their background? What drives them and what do they dream about? How do they look at the future of thermoplastic composites?

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We have recently celebrated our tenth anniversary. The TPRC, which started out small with just a few researchers, has since developed considerably. The key to this success? TPRC’s people, without whose expertise and drive there would be no future.

Our series #TPRCminds introduces you to the people behind our success. Who are they? What is their background? What drives them and what do they dream about? How do they look at the future of thermoplastic composites?