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TPRC Talks - Welding

The third episode of the TPRC Talks - Welding of Thermoplastic Composites: A Hot Topic, took place on April 19th live in our lab.

The TPRC Talks episode 3 - Welding of Thermoplastic Composites: A Hot Topic

This video shows the entire broadcast of the third episode of the TPRC Talks, where we shined our lights on the world of welding with our experts:

The experts discussed the the state-of-the art technology and future developments on welding of thermoplastic composites.

In this video, PhD student Yannick Buser gives an introduction on the welding techniques of thermoplastic composites.

In this video, PhD student Yannick Buser explains the research project on induction welding he is working on. He also tells what it is like to work at the TPRC.

Our partners who shared their vision on welding of thermoplastic composites in this episode:

TPRC Talks

The TPRC Talks are a live, online talk show in which we invite you along into our consortium and the world of thermoplastic composites.

Studio guests talked about our mission, the lab and what our research is currently focusing on. Our valued partners also explained the importance of thermoplastic composites research and the benefits of working closely together with the partners within the consortium. And our researchers explained their research, such as stamp forming and welding. We are thankful for the many people who attended the talk.

Continue watching the other TPRC Talks episodes:

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Is your company interested in learning more about thermoplastic composites? Please feel free to contact us.